Small Business Taxes

We take the headache out of tax season

Lewis Financial Tax Services, LLC is a small business so naturally helping other small business owners is our passion. We work with bakeries, horse farms, daycares, restaurants, landscapers, retailers, mechanics, general contractors, service providers…and everything in between. Our small business tax advice and tax consulting are second to none because of our experience in providing small business tax advice as well as our experiences operating a small business.

When we assist our clients with filing their small business tax return, we always concentrate on providing them EDUCATION. As part of our interview, we take time to learn about their business and apply our knowledge to assist them in reducing their tax. Small businesses have plenty of expenses that can be utilized to reduce their income tax burden, but they need to know how to properly account for them in most cases. Sometimes QuickBooks, or other similar software system is the answer but more times than not its simply recording the event/expense as it occurs. Filing your income tax return is much less of a headache if you have a solid routine in place throughout the year.


Do you have a fully functioning business that is running like a well-oiled machine? Do you enjoy activities in your garage or basement and realize you could make some good money? Do you have a side hustle? All these scenarios can qualify you as a small business. Help with filing small business taxes may be nothing more than adding a form or two to your personal taxes. By consulting with us and providing you  tax advice throughout the year, your business may mean you pay less individual tax.


We have a couple rental property clients that have remained loyal to us over the years, even though we relocated to North Carolina. We have been fortunate to add a couple new rental property clients here in Brunswick County. We realize that the demand in this area requires us to build upon our rental property tax knowledge and become experts in the field. Don and Ryan have “beefed up” their knowledge in the North Carolina and South Carolina rental small business industry with classes and research. We have established a group of local contacts in the real estate and banking industry to ask questions. We are even learning a few things from our newest clients!

At the end of the day, a rental property business is just another small business. We provide the same tax assistance and tax advice that we give to our other small business income tax clients: the more diligent and creative you are with your record-keeping, generally the more you have to deduct and the less income to report. Rental properties are the easiest and most effective way to reduce your income tax paid. Let us show you how!


Don ran his practice in Kentucky for 28 years, while Ryan was growing up, playing sports, and learning a few things along the way. Being in Kentucky for so long, we developed plenty of experience with small farms. Horse farms are not as prominent in Brunswick County, but cattle and produce farms are. They all operate differently but are taxed the similarly. When he started in the Chicago suburbs-he was only practitioner with a farm for a client that attended the annual Farm Tax School put on by the Univ. of Illinois for 10 years.

Use our years of farm and small business tax experience to help you navigate filing of your small business tax return. We have learned that our clients enjoy operating their business, doing what they do best. We enjoy doing what we do best…offering tax advice, tax consulting and tax services to small businesspeople.

Tax Preparation & Filing

Payment Estimations

Year-Round Support

This year, face tax season with confidence.

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